About Us - Tutorial Website

Project Overview

Welcome to our Tutorial Website project! This project aims to create a platform where users can share tutorials on various topics, such as programming, cooking, DIY projects, and more. Users can sign up, log in, submit tutorials, and view tutorials submitted by others. Additionally, users can upload their tutorials in Markdown format, making it easy to format and style their content.

Tech Stack

EJS Badge JavaScript Badge Tailwind CSS Badge


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to the website.
  • Tutorial Submission: Logged-in users can submit tutorials, including images or videos, and a description.
  • Tutorial Viewing: Users can view tutorials submitted by other users.
  • CRUD Operations: Users can create, read, and delete tutorials. Editing tutorials is restricted to the tutorial owner.
  • Security Measures: Basic security measures are implemented to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to tutorial editing or deletion.
  • Responsive Design: The website is responsive and provides a seamless user experience across various devices.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Run the project locally with npm run dev.
  4. Set up a MongoDB database and update the config/dbConfig.js file with your database configuration.
  5. Access the website locally in your browser.

Our Contributors